Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Julie Hilbert...


Property Tax Deferral Loan Program
Due June 30, 2011 (every June 30th)
They fill out application and are evaluated
65 years of age or older
Qualifying insured home in Wisconsin and resides there for all of 2011
$20,000 total household income
Outstanding liens, loans and judgments cannot exceed 33% of assessed value
Interest rate changes yearly (2011 4.25% compounded annually)
If approved a check is printed for the applicant and tax authority

STEP PROGRAM – Senior Tax Exchange Program.
Senior Citizens are given the opportunity to apply their earnings toward the payment of their taxes. Qualified individuals 62 years of age or older receiving Social Security and has taxable property within the Fond du Lac Community School District. The compensation is $5.00 (maximum of $430) is distributed annually in the form of a two party check made out to the worker and the appropriate county treasurer. For more information please call Ryan Scheel (Boys and Girls Club of Fond du Lac) at 924-0530
Examples of jobs
• Reading to a child
• Clerical work
• Grounds keeping
• Tutoring
• Shelving books
• Transportation
• Preparing bulletin boards

Weatherization - If you receive Energy Assistance you may also be eligible for weatherization services. Those services include: insulate attic, sidewalls & water heater. Repair or replace furnace and/or refrigerator, reduce air leakage and health and safety inspection. It is not limited to homeowners, if you're a renter or live in a mobile home, duplex or apt. building you may be eligible. Also, if you meet certain income guidelines you also could be eligible for central air-conditioning or wall units. Call: 1-800-323-0150 and ask for Weatherization.